New here?
We want you to feel comfortable, curious and blessed when you visit the Church of the Ascension. Our style of worship is rooted in Anglo-Catholic tradition, and a learning curve is normal here.
Please don’t hesitate to ask questions. We look forward to welcoming you and getting to know you. For a full schedule of worship and fellowship opportunities during the pandemic, please click here. |
Our Masses |
Your first experience here will likely be a mass – also sometimes called Eucharist or Holy Communion. Our two Sunday masses are each distinctive:
Monday at 12 pm Tuesday - 8 am Wednesday - 6:30 pm (also streamed live) Thursday - 8 am Friday - 12 pm Additionally, holy days are frequently observed with additional evening and/or Saturday masses. Those in the pews actively share in worship: standing, kneeling, praying, singing. You will be given a printed leaflet with the order of worship when you enter the church. Even so, you may worry about what you should do. Please relax, pray and begin. Follow in ways that feel comfortable to you. Wear what you like. Arrive early or late. Share in all or part. Leave early if you must (and savor the final organ voluntary if you stay!). And, again, we welcome your questions. |
Our Parish |
Many of our neighbors join the Church of the Ascension because it’s their neighborhood parish and are looking for a deeper faith, meaningful friendship, good preaching or opportunities to serve others.
Ascension is also a destination. Many come from far and wide because they seek and value the unique pageantry and solemnity of our Anglo-Catholic worship and our cherished tradition of sacred music. Learn more about our community. |
What else? |
Want to learn more? Feel free to contact with your questions: [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.
"Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."
Sunday Worship Schedule
7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, via Zoom 9:00 a.m. Sung Mass 11:00 a.m. Solemn High Mass (Live streamed on Facebook and YouTube) Full Schedule |
Our free parking lot is located on the northeast corner of La Salle Boulevard and Maple Street.