Worship Ministries
There are many opportunities to get involved with the services at Church of the Ascension. Below are the roles for parishioners in our services. If you are interested in taking part in one or more worship ministries, please contact us by email. Training is available for all worship ministries.
Acolytes |
Acolytes are attendants who assist the priests during the worship service. There are no limitations at Church of the Ascension as to who can serve as an acolyte. All are welcome and will be trained to serve. No one will serve until that individual is comfortable with the service. Service positions include: torchbearer, crucifer, thurifer and subdeacon.
Altar Guild |
The active life of worship at Church of the Ascension and the care of the parish's extraordinary and unique collection of sacred vessels, vestments and linens used in that worship depends on the commitment of the Altar Guild. This behind-the-scenes work is essential to the worshiping life of the parish. More volunteers are needed. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to volunteer.
The Flower Guild |
The Flower Guild is responsible for obtaining and arranging flowers for the high altar and various shrines on Sundays, and also decorating the church for Advent, Christmas, and Easter. Some Flower Guild members contribute flowers and greenery from their own gardens, but more often the Guild purchases flowers and assembles the arrangements after the Saturday morning Mass.
Lectors |
Lectors read from the Bible at Sunday Mass and on Holy Days. If you have a good speaking voice, a desire to engage the Scriptures in a special way and if you would like a special way of participating in worship services, please volunteer by communicating with the clergy or Parish Office.
Tech Team
Since 2021, Ascension has been live streaming the Solemn High Mass on Sundays, the Wednesday evening mass, Evensong and Benediction, and special Holy Day liturgies. The AV system uses vMix software and its operation is run both by staff and volunteers. If you have experience with this system or have interest and would like training, please contact the parish office.
Ushers |
Ushers are the first people visitors to the church usually meet. They greet and welcome people to all worship services and to special services throughout the year. They give our visitors their first impressions of Church of the Ascension and have an opportunity to connect with visitors and help visitors connect with us. Ushers distribute church programs, assist people with special needs and take up the offering. Please volunteer for this important service.
"Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."
Sunday Worship Schedule
7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, via Zoom 9:00 a.m. Sung Mass 11:00 a.m. Solemn High Mass (Live streamed on Facebook and YouTube) Full Schedule |
Our free parking lot is located on the northeast corner of La Salle Boulevard and Maple Street.